Interactive dice and game parts exchange values and powers

We see four essential dice as adaptable aleatoric tools, namely the INDIVIDUAL Dice, the COLLECTIVE dice, the functional or POWER dice and the TRASH or Container Dice.

These four are basic Zap Dice. These dices can be activated any time in relation with whatever other zap game part (Pawn, Checker, Stratego piece, Collection plate, Game board, etc.). They can be combined, will be independent or will have sequential or hierarchic relationship(s). It all depends from the game inventor and designer.

Example: Each player has his own (colored) Zap Dice. Depending from rules they can 'steal' a disk from another player. Possible rule: (Monopoly). Landing on a Station your can transfer a disk.
Possible rule: before being transfered to your pawn the Power disks must first be collected in your own Power dice.
Changing a Collective Zap Dice will influence each player. Possible rule: (Airport). When you throw a 'King' you may change a 'spotted' disk.
Example: Players must use always minimum two dice of four so: own + collective(s). Possible rule: Poker variation with up/down-grading possibility for individual dice.
Example: disks of power dice can be inserted in own individual dice. Possible rule: Throw two dices. When results in Packman logo exchange disks with two other players.
Example: Zappo game. A rule: when landing on a 'Castle' your can transfer a disk from the power dice/plate to one of your own pawns or to one of the other players (fe. STOP-sign).
Possible rule: On a transfer the disk that is taken for an opponent goes first to the Trash Dice, and is replaced by a disk thrown by the collective dice.
Possible rule: On a transfer the disk that is taken for an opponent goes first to the Trash Dice, and is replaced by a disk from a Collection of disks in a sack.

This are only very few combination possibilities which offer game developers a lot of thinking 'trees'. When you introduce more pawns, but also Zap checkers, Zap Stratego pieces, ...

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